
Montana Beekeeping Forum On Facebook

An informal forum for beekeepers of all ages and abilities to share their ideas, experience, questions, etc.

Missoula Area Beekeeping Group On Facebook 

This group is for the sharing of knowledge and experience for all beekeepers and particularly to share local beekeeping knowledge. 

Beekeeping Manual

A manual for Missoula beekeepers, created by Zabeth Runyan.  The objective of this manual is to provide new beekeepers with readily accessible hive management information, presented in monthly installments.

American Bee Journal

The American Bee Journal is the oldest English language publication on bees and beekeeping. Each monthly issue contains interesting and informative articles, including practical information for beekeepers, scientific reports, industry news, market information, and classified ads.  Click on the link for subscription information.

Scientific Beekeeping

A great resource containing a wide variety of articles about honeybees and beekeeping by Randy Oliver.

Montana Department of Agriculture

Provides information on regulations, registration, and other items for Montana beekeepers.

Provides contact information for State Entomologist Alyssa Piccolomini. 

Washington State Beekeepers Association

The WSBA newsletter is published every other month as a communications vehicle for the 20+ beekeeper organizations in Washington State.  The newsletter contains a variety of information of interest to beekeepers.  You can subscribe to an email version of the newsletter by contacting Fran Bach at

Beekeeping Basics

This 98 page document is a basic manual for beginning beekeepers published by Penn State. 

It may be purchased at this link.

Deterring Bears With Electrified Fencing

A guide to constructing an electrified fence for the purpose of deterring bears,

by Kim Annis, Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Bear Management Specialist. 

Defenders of Wildlife - Electric Fencing Program Brochure

Defenders of Wildlife can pay 50% of the cost of your electric fence (up to $500) to help deter bears! 

Honey Bee Suite

This site provides a wealth of useful information about honeybees, beekeeping, and related topics.

Easy Sugar Syrup Recipes 

Prepare sugar syrup to feed your bees without the use of a scale or complex mathematics.

Mite Management - Bill Hesbach 

A seasonal proactive Varroa management schedule.
